two nights in mtl w/ a couple of newlyweds

We had that weirdly perfect end-of-summer / begining-of-fall weather where you’re chilled to your core one second, the next you’re dewy with sweat and in between you’re hungover and randomly cured with a spritz in hand. It’s unpredictable and hard to manage but in these circumstances (among great friends in an amazing city with a plethora of wine bars and tasty eats) it’s easy as pie.

Sadly, I failed to charge my camera and therefore had to fall back on my not so great iPhone 8 camera. Surprisingly it was a nice relief to only carry this little device on all our daily adventures. Sometimes it feels like an obligation to constantly have my camera out - taking photos - possibly the influence of social media. I’ve tried to recognize this thought and simply take photos when inspiration strikes - when the angles line up, the lighting is just right and creativity is bubbling over. These moments are the best. Here’s a few of them from an amazing weekend in Montreal with a couple of newlyweds.

scroll to bottom for Montreal field notes (where we ate/drank/explored)

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Foigwa French Diner: the Foiegwa Spritz is it.


Dreamy gardens and homes on our way up to Mont Royal.


Le Majestique is a fantastic wine bar with an groovy-laid-back-vintage chalet vibe (yes it is all those things), incredible service and the best oysters. We sat right at the bar and watched them get shucked right before our eyes - a dangerous seat if you’re trying to limit your wine and/or oyster intake.


Not pictured: our bike-blade-skater-gang cruising around the busy streets of montreal in search of skateparks, drinks & good eats. Mr. Renzo on the blades, Mr. Zilford on the deck and Mrs. Goldberg & I on bixi bikes. A sweaty hilarious scene to witness.


Neighbourhood strolls.


Neighbourhood strolls.

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P twinning at Milkyway cocktail bar.


hot tip: when you find the perfect pyjama one piece you must share the knowledge with your girlfriend in hopes that one day you’ll take a trip to montreal together with your new husbands and change into said pj’s split seconds upon entering the airbnb. every. time. you. walk. in. the. door.

field notes

stayed | air bnb in Little Burgundy
ate/drank | Foxy for dinner, Atwater market for snacks & drinks while waiting for Foiegwa brunch (always a wait - put your name down and mosey about Atwater market - one block away), more drinks & eats at Le Majestique, late night beverages at Milkyway cocktail bar.
explored | walked up to Mont Royal to generate an appetite for brunch, walked along the canal to Atwater market
method of transportation | foot, uber & bixi bike (easy to use just download app!)

takeaway: just wake up and walk around - no expectations, no specific destination.


mini-mooning in the county